With countless books holding countless stories, and we being a platform for different kinds of creative stories and their tellers, The Film Dream, in our own humble way would like to contribute and join in the celebration.
Reading is like exercising but instead of physical movements, it is our minds that are being put into work. It stimulates our imagination, improving our way of thinking, and allowing us to draw up different ideas. Moreover, it is where we initially began - when we learned how to read, it is when we were opened up to the world of learning and discovering anything and everything. These, among a long list of advantages reading offers, are already powerful enough tools an aspiring creative writer, storyteller, or filmmaker can have.
The Department of Education spearheaded the 2021 Pambansang Buwan ng Pagbasa Virtual Kick-off last November 8 through a livestream at their official Facebook page. Through this, Director IV of the Bureau of Learning Delivery Leila Ariola shared the roots of the National Reading Month:
"As part of the move of the Every Child A Reader program, now the Bawat Bata Bumabasa, as well as the thrust to promote the genuine love for reading, the Department of Education declared November 2011 then as the National Reading Month - culminated by the Araw ng Pagbasa (November 25)."

With this year's theme "Bawat Bata Bumabasa sa Kabila ng Hamon ng Pandemya," the Department of Education, through the Bureau of Learning Delivery has prepared a list of exciting programs and activities in line with promoting the love for reading which are enclosed in Memorandum DM-CI-2021-00466:
- Mystery Readers
- Dugtungang Pagbasa
- Reading Cup
- Reading Challenge
- Reading Family
- Araw ng Pagbasa Challenge
All schools and learning centers are also encouraged to hold their own programs virtually for the month-long celebration.
"Reading excites and increases active imagination, and kindles curiosity in children," Director Leila remarked during the virtual kick-off, and this is only one of the many definitions and importances of reading.
While the original intentions brought by the National Reading Month focuses mainly on the educational institutions and their students, we believe that the joy and love of reading is open to everyone.
Thus, watch for our next series of articles that will motivate, if not completely convince you to pick up those books and read! It may not be uncommon that some of the most popular films or television series are based on novels or books. But still, you might be surprised to find out that one of your favorites actually were. Then, there is the question of choosing which medium to consume. But why choose just one?
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Want to see more content on this topic? Check out THIS article featuring an incredible storyteller who loves reading and writing.