With the creative industry reeling from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Trustees of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP BOT) has resolved to implement a special project, dubbed Innovation Grants Project 2020, to recognize and encourage creative initiatives and collaborations among qualified arts and cultural organizations.
As part of CCP’s calibrated response to the pandemic situation, the CCP Innovation Grants aims to help the artistic community to device new ways to create and produce new works in various art disciplines, as well as implement the distribution of new content on the arts using online technology, blended or hybrid technologies.
Through this project, the CCP hopes to realize non-traditional collaborations within art genres or between arts and other fields or professions, and deliver community-wide, multi-platform events and festivities using novel ways of distribution and dissemination.
The grant-giving project is open to duly registered Filipino organizations implementing arts and culture programs, with a good track record for the last three years and have proven their organizational capability to implement its proposed activities. The interested organizations must not be a current CCP resident company. Priority will be given to those who have not received previous grants from the CCP.
Interested applicants must submit a fully accomplished form, along with certified true copy of SEC Registration (with official receipt), organizational profile and structure with list of officers and members, list of projects in the past 3 years (including on-going projects), and the 2019 Audited Financial Statement.
Submit the accomplished form and all supporting documents to the CCP Office of the VP-Artistic Director or via email ccpinnovationgrant@gmail.com on or before November 10, 2020. Final Deliberation and Selection will be in November 2020 and the official Grantees will be announced on November 27, 2020.
The CCP Artistic Programs Committee (APC) will conduct the initial evaluation of the proposals and make a short list of its recommendations to the Selection Committee, led by CCP BOT Chairperson, CCP President and CCP VP-Artistic Director together with four independent members composed of experts in various fields of arts and culture.
The proposals will be selected based on relevance of content and purpose, livelihood impact to target beneficiaries, and applicability and manageability of the project.
Selected proposals can receive a maximum of Php500,000 per project, based on the evaluation of the gap being addressed by the proposal and the overall impact of the project. Proposed projects and activities should be implemented and completed within the period November to December 2020, and January to March 2021.

For more information, visit the CCP website (www.culturalcenter.gov.ph) or email ccpinnovationgrant@gmail.com.